Friday, May 1, 2015

Sri Kalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Timings

Sri Kalahasti Rahu Ketu Pooja Timings

Sri Kalahasti Derived its name from, the Spider(Sri), the Serpent(Kala) and the Elephant(Hasti). Appeased with their Unflinching devotion, Lord Shiva gave them a boon that their names be merged with the VayuLinga and called as Sri KalaHasti. 

Parvathi gained Shiva Gnanam and came to be known as Gnana Prasunamba.

Srikalahasti Temple opening and closing time is given below:
Saturday to Monday -  6.00 AM to 9.30PM
Tuesday to Friday  - 6.00 AM to 9.00 PM

Abhishekam is performed in the Morning: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 10: 30am; Evening: 5:30 pm everyday.

On Fridays, Abhishekam will be performed in the evening which starts at 4:30 pm

Rahul Kalam Timigs - Rahu Ketu Pooja Timings

Monday7.30 am to 9 am
Tuesday3 pm to 4.30 pm
Wednesday12.00 Noon to 1.30 pm
Thursday1.30 pm to 3 pm
Friday10.30 am to 12 noon
Saturday9.00 am to 10.30 am
Sunday4.30 pm to 6 pm


  1. Dear Sir,
    We want to perform "kala sarpa dosha nivarana Puja" for my d-in-law.
    Son & d-in-law in Delhi...we are in bangalore. They dont get time to come as Parliment sesssion is on...Can we two do Puja with their horoscopes...Will it be effective..we are BP patients..can we take light bkfast b4 puja..We pal puja on tue / thu...4/8 or 6/8..will reach by cab..
    Can booking be made on line..or shd we come prev. day & stay at hotel..
    pl. clarify our doubts..we need to perform puja b4 9/8..

    1. Dear Sir,

      Anyone can perform pooja, but the best results will be seen only when the actual person performs pooja activity.

      One should go on fast till pooja completion. Please take liquid foods. Booking is not available online, tickets will be issued at counter to pilgrims.

      Yes, after performing pooja, please discard clothes which you are wearing at the time of pooja.

      Please leave your comment at as it would be easy for me track.


    2. Dear sir
      My DOB is June 20 1981 and I want to perform rahu kethu pooja . Could u please suggest me the timings on which day should i perform pooja according to my date of birth.

    3. Sir
      Is the fast necessary before ppoja??

  2. Dear sir
    My DOB is 18 -11-1989 and I want to perform rahu kethu pooja . Plese suggest the procedure and best timings and day as my parents are looking matches for my marriage please suggest the best day to do this pooja for best results in my marriage

    1. Hi,

      Please drop an e-mail to with Date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.
      For any queries, leave your comment at


    2. Sir, after rahu kethu pooja shall we go to tirupathi& other temples?

  3. Please perform Pooja on Tuesday between 3 p m - 4:30 pm.

    Procedure to be followed for Rahu Ketu Pooja

    1) A day before pooja, one should sleep on floor
    2) Next day morning after taking bath, reach Temple and do Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols.
    3) After Abhishekam, please perform Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja
    4) After pooja, please donate 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
    5) Now you are good to leave home.

    One should fast till they complete pooja.

    1. Sir we will be reaching sri kalahasthi on Saturday morning. And planning for puja on the same day. So is it necessary to sleep on floor a day before? Because we will be in traveling on that day.

  4. Dear sir
    My DOB is May 7 1990 and I want to perform rahu kethu pooja . Could u please suggest me the timings on which day should i perform pooja according to my date of birth.

  5. Dear Ramya Krishna,

    Please perform pooja on Tue between 3 pm - 4:30 pm. Do leave comment at so that it will be easily for me to communicate.


  6. After or before rahu ketu pooja could i give hairs

    1. Dear,

      No, it should be done before pooja only. Not after pooja. After Rahu Ketu Pooja you are not supposed to visit any other temples / Not to visit any relatives homes/ not to perform any poojas.

  7. Hello sir,
    I want to perform rahu ketu pooja could i give hairs at srikalasthi. When should I able to give hairs kalyana Kata on same day on or before pooja.

    1. Dear Shiva Prasad,

      You can offer hair before Rahu Ketu pooja . but not after Rahu Ketu pooja.
      After Rahu Ketu Pooja you are not supposed to visit any other temples / Not to visit any relatives homes/ not to perform any poojas.



  8. This is Praveen kumar from Bangalore and my BOD 8th June 1987, Timing 9:33PM Place Bangalore,i want to perform"kala sarpa dosha nivarana Puja" my parents already find out matche for marriage please suggest the best day to do this pooja for best results in my marriage

  9. Dear Praveen Kumar,

    Please perform pooja on Tue , between 3 p m - 4:30 . You need to fast till you complete pooja.

  10. after performing pooja, some told discard clothes which we are wearing at the time of pooja... is it true??? discarding the sense, it should be thrown or we should give to poor people?

    1. Dear,

      Not required , no need to discard clothes. you can take bath after completing pooja at hotel room. Please donate meal packets 2-3 after pooja.

      Do follow us @


  11. My date of birth 31 -12-1979 , time 23.30 and place Faizabad U P . what pooja should I perform .please tell in details

  12. Dear,

    Please perform Rahu Ketu pooja once, just this alone is required at this moment

    Do leave your comments at so that it would be easy for me to reply in time.


  13. Dear Sir,
    My astrologer has suggested to do Rahu-Ketu puja for me (Unmarried), my brother (married) & Brother-in-law. Please let me know below issues.
    - whether three of us can do puja by single ticket of 1500 / 2500 ticket or separate tickets. What is the difference between these two tickets.
    - Are their wifes & children need to attend puja compulsory as one child is below one year of age.
    - whether different puja is there for rahu-ketu dosha & Kaal sarpa Dosha.


  14. Dear Narayana Patro,

    As each of you needs to purchase Pooja ticket at counter. Only one person or couple can perform pooja on a single ticket.

    You and your brother-in-law can opt for Rs.300 ticekt and your brother can go for Rs.750 ticket, where he can perform pooja along with his wife or he can perform pooja alone.

    In Rs.750 ticket, his wife and child can accompany him during pooja, if they don't want to perform pooja.

    Please leave your comment at so that it would be easy for me to reply.


    1. Thanks for the quick reply.

      I was trying to know the difference between 1500 & 2500 ticket. Apart from rahu-ketu puja in a mandap nearby main temple, what extra we wil get. Whether there will be person to guide the puja more personally. Does the Abhishekam includes in this or we need to buy extra ticket for the abhishekam.

      & Please let me know, whether puja for rahu-ketu dosha & kalsharpa dosha will be same.


    2. Dear Narayana Patro,

      Yes, for Rs.2500 it will be more attention during pooja, they will explain clearly on the pooja process. No , Abhishekam is different, it is not part of Rahu ketu Pooja.
      You need to buy Abhishekam tickets separately.

      It is called Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Pooja, which is one and the same.

      Please leave your comments at , so that I can reply in time.


  15. Hi planning to have rahu ketu pooja after pooja can i donate in tirupati and darshan also.

  16. Hi planning to have rahu ketu pooja after pooja can i donate hair in tirupati and offer darshan.

  17. Dear Raj,

    No, you should this other way, Donate hair at Tirupati and complete Darshan. Then plan for Rahu Ketu Pooja at Sri Kalahasthi.

    Please leave your comments at so that I can reply in time.


    1. I already taken darshan ticket for afternoon session and in moarning i planned to have pooja, any alternate for this.

    2. Dear Raj,

      let me check with srikalahasthi temple priest on this today.


    3. Upto what time temple will open in Kalahasti in evening.

    4. Dear Raj,

      Rahu Ketu Pooja will be performed till 6 pm. 6 pm is the last pooja slot for Rahu ketu pooja.


  18. Dear sir,

    I am planning to visit the temple on 7th Nov mrng and then to go to balaji temple as I have booked a darshan at 3.00pm on 7th but as you have responded for other queries that we should not visit any other temple after the Rahu kethu pooja and hence can we plan for the rahu kethu pooja on sunday 8th morning. I understand that it is better to perform pooja during the rahu kalam and it is between 4.30 to 6.00pm. so can you please clarify is it ok to perform pooja on sunday morning about 9am

  19. Also can my son also accompany for the pooja along with my wife for 300 ticket

    1. Dear Sir,

      For Rs.300 , the accompanying person has to stand next to you. till you complete. So it is not advisable for mother and baby to stand for 40 mins. It would be nice if you opt for Rs.750 ticket so that they can sit next to you.


  20. Dear Sir,
    Can we visit kalahasti temple before thirupti darshan if not performing rahu kethu pooja

    1. Dear Sir,

      Yes, you can visit Sri Kalahasthi Temple, if not performing Rahu Ketu pooja before Tirupati Darshan.

      You can perform pooja on Sunday at 9 am, please do rudrabhishekam as well which is at 10:30 am.

      Rahu Ketu pooja followed by Rudrabhishekam is more effective.

      Please leave your comments at so that I can reply in time.


  21. Respected Sir
    I am attended in Rahu Ketu Pooja 6th are7th please tell me Pooja material and how processer sir
    Thanking you sir

  22. Dear Siva,

    No need to carry pooja material, Pooja material will be provided by the temple staff. Purchasing ticket is enough, rest all will be provided by the temple staff .
    Pooja material will be provided at the Temple counter itself.
    Please leave your comment at so that it would be easy for me to reply.


  23. Hi Sir,

    We want to do Pooja at Kalahasti for success in job.
    Is Rahu Kethu Pooja and Kala sarpa dosha pooja are the same?which one I should opt? Which are the better days to do that pooja?
    As you told after pooja it is good to do Rudrabhishekam.I want to do Trishati pooja also.
    Please let me know how to plan?
    I have 2 kids son 6 years and daughter 13 years. Do we need to take saperate ticket for kids? one of temple priest told take separate ticket for daughter.
    Me and my husband can do pooja one single ticket? Is this effective? please reply me.

  24. Sir,
    If pooja time is very late ex.4pm. Do we need to do fasting? My Kids and husband also should be in fasting for Pooja? Do we need to take ticket on my name or my husband name? I want to do pooja for my career growth.

  25. Dear Kavitha,

    Yes, one should fast till they complete. Whoever performing should only do the fasting. You can have liquid foods.


  26. Sir,
    1.Is Rahu Kethu pooja and Kal sarpa pooja are same?
    2. I and my husband want to do pooja. If we take ticket on my husband is it effective for me also? or we both should take separate tickets?
    3. My daughter is 13 yrs do we need to take separate ticket for her also. if we takcet on my husband name that will be effective for all family members?
    please clarify me..
    Thanks in Advance

  27. Sir
    I want to perform rahu kethu puja on 3rd Sunday before after I need to be in fasting in my Family?

  28. Right now am in Tirupati ,on Sunday before 1pm I am plan to do for rahu kethu it fine or any time is required? Also pks let me know any fasting required?

  29. Dear Venu gopal,

    Yes, you can perform pooja at 1 pm. Yes, fasting is required.

    Please leave your comments at


  30. Sir
    I am planning to perform rahu pooja on 10-01-2016 sunday. I am single person. What will be the time for batch for single individual person on sunday ?

  31. Dear,

    Perform pooja anytime between 4:30 pm - 6 pm. Be there at the ticket counter by 3:45 pm.

    Please leave your comments at so that I can reply in time.


  32. Hi sir,

    I'm planning to rahu-ketu pooja on 16-01-2016. My dob is 11-09-1990

    Could you please let me know the procedure.

    1. Dear Sir,

      Please check here


  33. Namaskaram sir,
    My name is praveen, DOB:20/04/1988, time : 2:10pm, place: T sundipalli near rayacoti cudapa District
    Could you please suggest me when should I perform pooja on this days and timing (14,15,16 Jan 2016)
    And also cloud you tell me the procedure to me followed for the pooja, is there any dress code for pooja and I'm the only person performing so which ticket should I opt for
    Thank you soo much..

    1. Dear Praveen kumar,

      Will it be possible for you to perform pooja on 17th jan between 4:30 pm - 6 pm.

      Pooja dress code:

      Men: Pancha, Dhoti/ Kurta,Pyjama.

      Female: Saree with blouse/ Punjabi Dress with Dupatta / Chudidhar with Dupatta/ Half saree

      Usually normal pant shirt is also allowed. But traditional is preferred.


  34. hai,
    we want perfarm rahu -kethu pooja on 12/01/25016 . we are at anantapur and planning to come on that day, we can purchage the pooja tickt in online or direct at temple. after pooja we shall go thirukmal for darshan

  35. My date of birth is 09th Oct 1975 and my husband's date of birth is 22nd Oct 1969. We are childless, due to multiple miscarriages and want to perform a puja at Kalahasti. Please advise as it says childless couples have to pray here. Do we have Rahu-Ketu or Sarpa Dosha, and which puja should we perform. Looking at coming and performing the required puja on 24th Jan'16

  36. Also, my brother would like to perform a puja on behalf of my father (DOB - 4 Nov 1946). Please suggest a relevant puja for my father too. Thanks.

  37. Sir my name is venkatesh .my dob is 03/09/1981 time 12.55 on .place : bangalore.I want to go kalahasti.I want to do polka. Old suggest me sir.

  38. Dear Sir,

    Please perform pooja anytime

    from 8:45 PM on January 24 to 9:54 PM on January 25

    from 9:46 PM on February 7, 2016 to 10:35 PM on February 8, 2016.

    Please leave your comments at


  39. Dear sir
    My DOB is June 20 1981 and I want to perform rahu kethu pooja . Could u please suggest me the timings on which day should i perform pooja according to my date of birth.

  40. Dear Jithendra M K,

    Please perform pooja on 7th feb anytime between 6 am - 10:23 am

    Please leave your comment at

    1. sir

      i coming from Bangalore and next Monday it okay

  41. Sir,
    1. I am from Hyderabad. I want to do Pooja at Kalahasti for abroad oppurtunities.Do i need to do Rahu Kethu Pooja or Kalasarpha dosha pooja?
    2.I am married. Should we take ticket on my name or my husband name? we need any other pooja after rahu kethu pooja for better effect?
    4. Do we need to leave off clothes after pooja?
    5. We are planning to do pooja on March 8th 2016. Which time is good for pooja.

    Kindly clarify my queries.So that i can book my trian tickets. Thanks in Advance..

  42. Dear Kavitha,

    1) It is one pooja, Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Pooja
    2) It will be one ticket for husband and wife.

    Here is the complete procedure

    1) After having head bath, perform Abhishekam with Milk to the Idols at Rudra Padam ( which is 100 ft from Pathala Ganapathi Temple) and do 3 Pradakshinam to the Idols after abhishekam.
    3) After Abhishekam, please purchase Rahu Ketu Pooja.Tickets which will be issued at the counter.
    4) After pooja, please offer 2 -3 meal packets to the poor.
    5) Note that one should fast till they complete Rahu Ketu Pooja. One can have liquid foods.6) After Rahu Ketu Pooja you can have food and then plan to perform Rudrabhishekam
    7) Now you are good to start Home.


    4) No need to leave clothes after pooja
    5) anytime between 3 pm -4:30 pm

  43. sir
    Rahu Ketu Kala Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Pooja with family or we can do pooja alone.

    Jithendra M k

  44. Dear Sir,

    It can be performed as a single or family. There is no harm in performing this pooja with family.

    Please leave your comments at


  45. Sir, my date of birth is 18.10.1981 9.33pm. Till I am not married. Can I perform rahu ketu pooja. Can I give hair at kalahasthi before pooja. Pls guide the procedures.

  46. Namaskaram sir, I am Janaki and my dob is 02/09/1991 ,6.50am in chennai. There has been suggestion for rahu ketu doosha pooja for me. kindly suggest me the date , day and timing to perform the pooja.

  47. i wanted to visit temple for doing my daughter and son in law raghu/kethu/sarpha dosa pooja on sunday

    please advise me the wy forward

  48. can we do bookings for pooja online?
    or we have purchase tickets for rahu ketu pooja on the same day from counter

  49. can we do bookings for pooja online?
    or we have purchase tickets for rahu ketu pooja on the same day from counter

  50. Sir,my DOB is 17 Dec 1991 .I would like to perform Rahu-Kethu pooja ,could you please suggest me timing for doing this as per my DOB

  51. How can i perform rahu ketu pooja at rahu timings.. how can i book this for rahu time

  52. Sir this is varalaxmi my date of birth is 02-12-1989.time of birth around 6.00PM to 6.30PM at pulivendula. My marriage is getting delay due to dosham .could you please check & suggest me which pooja is better for getting marriage soon.

  53. Mybdate of birth is 05/02/1974 can I go today to kalahasthi for rahu kethu prayer

  54. Sir,I wish to participate in raghu,kedu pooja next week.Should I make advance booking at the Devasthanam?.If so let me know the procedure,or for raghu kala pooja right time to attend seva ticket counter.Also let me know the revised rates for Ra&Ke pooja.Thank you sir.Venkatapathi.

    1. இன்றுபுதன்கிழமை எனதுமகன் ராகுகேதுபூஜையில் கலந்து க்கொள்ள எப்போதுவரவேண்டும்

  55. My husband DOB is 4/12/74 ...can we do Rahi ketu Pooja on Saturday evening or Sunday morning .pls advice ..we are coming for Tirupati darshan on Saturday

  56. Hi sir. My dob is 05/10/1985 time 8:00 am. Born in siloguri west bengal. I have been suggested to perform the kaal sarp dosh puja. Can u suggest the best time and datedate me to perform the pooja?

  57. Dear sir
    My DOB is 19/09/1990 and I want to perform rahu kethu pooja . Could u please suggest me the timings on which day should i perform pooja according to my date of birth.

  58. Dear Sir..
    My DOB is 30/3/1990 and i want to do rahu kethu pooja for marriage.please suggest me day for pooja based on my birthday.

  59. Namaskaram
    I want perform Rahu Kethu Sarpa Dosha pooja for that i'm planned to be there on 20th April '2019 evening after my Tirumala dharasanam. Is it possible to do rudhra abishegam on 20th & Rahu Kethu pooja on 21st morning. Kindly suggest the needs...



  60. Sir iam harish my DOB 17-11-1996 morning(12:40)am . and i want to attend rahu kethu pooja in kalahasthi. please let me know what will be the correct date to attend pooja.


  61. Sir iam harish my DOB 17-11-1996 morning(12:40)am . and i want to attend kala sarpa dhosha pooja in kalahasthi. please let me know what will be the correct date to attend pooja.


  62. Sir iam harish my DOB 17-11-1996 morning(12:40)am . and i want to attend kala sarpa dosha pooja in kalahasthi. please let me know what will be the correct date to attend pooja.

  63. Please tell the Rahu ketu sarpa dosha pooja running duration mam/sir.

  64. This is Tilak from Mysore and my BOD 30th Nov 1986, Timing 8:10 AM Place Mysore,i want to perform "rahu -kethu pooja" my parents already find out matche for marriage & am planning to coming to on sunday is this gud for day? & we are coming 3 people me and father, mother so in puja time 3 persons are allowed or wha
    t? if incase not allowed wat procedure are ther to attend 3 person including me?

  65. HI sir we are kannadigas so ifincase not understanging telugu speeches in pooja procedure time, any helps for pooja time? or any translate or ther in puja time? please give details sir?

  66. Sir, we planned to do Rahu ketu Pooja on 8/6/19,this day tithi is Shashti.Is this day good for Pooja for us.

  67. My dob is 25/04/1972. Time 4.20pm. I want to perform rahu-ketu pooja. Kindly suggest

  68. for doing kala sarpa dosha nivarana pooja do we have to take ticket one day before?can we take on the pooja day itself?can we take ticket online?

  69. Whether advance booking is needed for Raku kethu pooja at Kalahasti. If so what is the procedure for advance booking.

  70. Hello sir, my son date of birth is 20/6/2012. Some astrologers told do rahu kethu pooja in kaalahasthi temple, can you help me, thanks

  71. Dear Sir,
    We wanted to perform "kala sarpa dosha nivarana Puja" and i have one doubt i.e. In Ekadashi and Sankasta chaturti days they are doing puja or not. can you please help me
    Thank You

  72. DOB 08-06-2002 best day Rahu Ketu pooja

  73. Dear Sir
    MY Date of birth 06-05-1994 & My yelder brother date of Birth 09-11-1991
    We wanted to perform "kala sarpa dosha nivarana Puja" and i have one doubt i.e. In Ekadashi and Sankasta chaturti days they are doing puja or not. can you please help me And which day we come there do the poja please suggest me

    Thank You

  74. Dear Sir
    we are staying in my home 07 members but my father is not coming with us do the pooja remaining 6 members coming we have plan for next month then how we get the pooja ticket how much this cost please suggest. Rahu ketu pooja

  75. Sir I'm planing to do rahu ketu Pooja on Monday..tis week ... shall I visit tirumala temple before tis rahu ketu Pooja

  76. Dear sir,
    I want to perform rahu ketu Pooja my date of birth is November 3rd 1967 can you please say on which day and time I can perform Pooja

  77. what is the dress code for gents

  78. Sir we will be reaching sri kalahasthi on Saturday morning. And planning for puja on the same day. So is it necessary to sleep on floor a day before? Because we will be in traveling on that day

  79. We plan to come to still kalahasti on Sunday morning. what we have to do after reaching kalahasti? Please guide us what we have to do on reaching?

  80. Hi,we are from Bangalore we are going to kalahasti temple on 16th July 2019 that is the day of grahanam,can we perform the Pooja,and suggest me please

  81. Hi sir...
    We want to attend rahu ketu pooja.. before attending pooja can we take a both and darshan in kapila theertham? after that can we attend rahu ketu pooja in same day?

    For rahu ketu puja in which night we should stay in srikalahasti.... puja conducting day or before day? plz clarify my doubts.

  82. Hello sir Can we perform ketu Pooja in ashadha maasa this year for my son

    1. Dear Sir,
      Yes, it can be performed during Ashada Masa.

  83. wil kalasarpa dosha nivarana poja performed ob akadashi day

  84. Where do we need to keep the luggage, footwear's electronica gadgets in srikalahasti temple and in tirumala temple

    1. Dear Sir,
      Luggage counters are available at Gopuram entrance

  85. After Rahu-ketu Pooja shall I go to thirumala temple

  86. Namaskaram sir,

    My name is Sanjeev my DoB is 16/05/1972, time of birth is 04:15 am, and place of birth is Faizabad (UP), I had consulted astrologer and I was told that I have anshik kalsarp yog. Can you please advise when I can visit for puja. I live in Bangalore.

    1. Dear Sir,
      Please perform Pooja on any Grahan day or Amavasya Rahu Kala timings

  87. Sir I want to perform with my wife rahuketupooja on monday in rahukalam timings (7.30 am to 9.00am) how would I get tickets please inform cost also

  88. Hii sir my husband want to do rahu ketu pooja in kalahasthi temple his date of borth is 2-2-1994 he want to do in monday plz inform timings and tell the procedure steps before and after the pooja .

    1. 7:30 am to 9:00 am is the best time for the pooja on Monday's

  89. My brother has sarpa dosham in horoscope and he is 38 this year, till now marriage not done. Our astrologer told to do rahu kethu Pooja at kalahasthi temple 3 times. We will reach tirupathi on 1st Sept Sunday night . Planning to visit thirupathi temple also and give hair also. Please let me know the following: timing when we can perform rahu kethu pooja. Whether we can do the Pooja 3 times on same day. And whether we can visit thirupathi and give hair before or after the pooja.
